Personality Test- INTJ

Do you think the personality test was accurate?

According to the personality test, I am an introverted, intuitive, thinking, and a judging type of person. From the test, it tells me that I am 12% introvert, 10% intuitive, 1% thinking, and 31% judging. I agree to most of the results. I agree when it explains that I am a perfectionist. I agree because for example, whenever I am working on an essay for language arts class, I always make so many revisions and rereads in order to make it seem like it is the best paper in the world. I am always trying to get all As on my assignments and a 4.0 as my grade point average. I sort of agree when it says that I am a human being that isn’t socially active in “romantic” relationships. In my life, I had never been in a “relationship” but I have created very sweet and memorable friendships with many of my classmates and friends. I guess I still take part in not being socially active in relationships because sometimes when me and my friends are having a group chat, I confess that I would just listen to my friends talk and I just remain silent at times due to my consciousness if my words don’t follow accordingly to what I would be thinking in my mind. I occasionally do still have trouble working with new people especially when I don’t know anything about them but I still try my best to cooperate with them. Lastly, I want to end on the fact when it says that I will have a job involved in science and/or engineering. You can say that dermatology does play a role in both science and technology. Dermatology takes part in science by how we need to find new and faster medications to cure diagnosis’. The course does take its part in engineering too because inventors these days are making so many new technology day by day in order to help doctors treat patients, especially with cancer. Most dermatologists use technology or other types of radioactive devices to treat skin cancer, acne, and any other skin inflammations. In all, this was how accurate this personality test was for me.

Did it really describe you? Explain.

In my opinion, I really do believe that around 87% of the results describes my personality quite well. It is not the most accurate but the test still did great. I truly am a perfectionist, someone who follows the rules, and a pretty impatient person. There are some points when I didn’t agree with the conclusion of the personality test. Even though I am quite shy, I don’t think I have many substantial problems with making relationships. I still have the capability to make good friends and have fun with them. Also, I agree to the part when its says I have little patience but I don’t agree when it says I have very little understanding of small talk and flirtation because I literally can interact with others or my friends all day if I could. I never necessarily “flirted” with anyone especially with a boy of any kind at all, but I still know how to play beneficially, not really “flirt,”  with my acquaintances correctly. Altogether, this was what I think on how well the results of the personality test described me.

What did you learn about yourself taking the test?

The top two biggest details that I have learned about myself when I took this personality test are that I am very judging and I chose my choices according to what I feel. I had already known that I was a perfectionist and I didn’t have that much patience. What I didn’t know was that I connect most of my values, opinions, and thoughts to what I am feeling emotionally. I also knew that I like to judge the way most occurrences happen everyday but I didn’t know I really liked to judge other circumstances so much. The test said I was 31% judging and 1% thinking but I know that it is just saying that I see the world, society, and life in a different perspective. In short, that was what I learned about myself when I took this personality test.