Photoshop Article

1) Who were some of the celebrities who dislike photoshop? What are their reasons?
Some celebrities that dislike photoshop are Kate Winslet and Brad Pitt. Kate Winslet’s reason is that from her photos in a GQ Magazine, the photographers revamped her by using photoshop making her look unrealistically thin. Brad Pitt’s reason for his dislike with photoshop are because he wants to keep his true figure on his W Magazine and Photoshop could ruin that. He even personally hired professional photographer Chuck Close to shoot him. Brad obviously trusts him and Chuck is known as a photographer that specializes in extremely detailed photos that still expose skin flaws. More and more celebrities are believing that it is better to expose a real picture of you instead of putting up a fake one with so many changes and modifications.

2)How does the American Medical Association (AMA) feel? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
According to the article, “Is Photoshop Destroying America’s Body?,” the American Medical Association agrees that photoshop is getting out of hand. The article clearly states that the AMA stands to a point were they think photoshop is used “for alterations that can contribute to constructing unrealistic body photos/expectations causing eating disorders and emotional problems.” To retell, the AMA is just saying that photoshop can be a bad example to the public making everyone (especially girls) think they should change in order for them to look and feel beautiful.

3)How do you feel about photoshop? Give examples from your life to support your answer.
I believe that using photoshop is a choice. Celebs can choose to use or not to use it. I personally think it is ok to use photoshop during certain situations but no all the time. If you need photoshop to clear up a zit or a pimple in a school photo, it is acceptable in my opinion. Small changes using photoshop is greatly common right now in the society but once you start making big modifications such as giving your self a bigger butt, wider hips, larger boobs, or perfect abs, it becomes unacceptable. In all, this was what my opinion is about photoshop.

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